Basic name of each pitch

basic pitch

Chromatic reading

pitch chromatic

Bass clef to Treble clef


Comparing with other styles

Reading in English

Reading as C D E F G A B C is quite comfortable.
But,how about singing in other keys? Try singing F sharp Ionian.
Fsharp Gsharp Asharp B Csharp Dsharp Esharp Fsharp.
It's difficult to sing smoothly in this style.
english pitch

Traditional European style

This authoritative style might work.
c d e f g a h c = tse de ee ef ge aa ha tse.
It's possible to read quickly.
How about singing in other keys?
Try singing F sharp Ionian again.
fis gis ais h cis dis eis fis
Each pitch name has become a bit too long to sing.

Some Boston-like Jazz style

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do.
This style doesn't have double sharp and double flat.
Nor does it have E sharp&B sharp.
When used in movable Do method,it doesn't matter so much.
This style works well for tonal music.
This style doesn't suit for atonal nor contemporary music.
Also, in some countries, they don't have the pronunciation of R sound in their language.
Even when you yourself read or sing it,
you would feel it complicated to distinguish between Ra and La.